Fire equipment emergency power supply debugging specifications
release time:2018-03-15Information Sources:建設工程教育網Browse click:

  Fire equipment emergency power supply debugging specification:

  4.17.1 When the emergency power supply is cut off, the connection of the device is directly started and the main power supply of the emergency power supply is turned on.

  4.17.2 Check the emergency power supply's control function and conversion function according to the following requirements, and observe the input voltage, output voltage, output current, main power working status, emergency working status, battery pack and each single battery voltage display. Record well and show that the situation should be consistent with the product specification and meet the requirements. 1 manually start the emergency power output, emergency power main and backup power should not be output at the same time, and should complete the emergency conversion within 5s; 2 manually stop the output of emergency power, emergency power should be restored to the pre-start working state; 3 off The main power source of emergency power supply shall be turned on, and the emergency power source shall be capable of emitting sound prompting signals. The sound signals shall be able to be eliminated manually; when the main power source is connected, the emergency power source shall be restored to the main power working state; 4 The input power source shall be linked to the emergency power source with linkage automatic control function. Start signal, emergency power should be transferred to the emergency working state within 5s, and the main power and standby power should not be output simultaneously; input linkage stop signal, emergency power should be restored to the main power working state; 5 with manual and automatic control function The emergency power supply is in an automatic control state, and then manually inserted into the operation. The emergency power supply should be manually inserted into the priority function, and there should be automatic control status and manual control status indication. Inspection quantity: full inspection. Inspection method: observation and inspection.

  4.17.3 Disconnect the emergency power supply, check the emergency power protection function as described below, and make a record. Make any output circuit protection action, and the other circuit output voltage should be normal; 2 Make any phase in the three-phase load circuit of the emergency power supply connected with the three-phase AC load output stop, and the emergency power supply should be able to automatically stop the other of the circuit. Two-phase output, and should issue the sound, light failure signal; 3 to match the single-phase AC load AC three-phase output emergency power output of any phase to stop the output, the other two can work properly, and should issue sound and light failure signal. Inspection quantity: full inspection. Inspection method: observation and inspection.

  4.17.4 Connect the emergency power source to a simulation load equivalent to a full load to make it in emergency operation. The emergency operation time should be more than 1.5 times the designed emergency working time, and not less than the nominal emergency working time of the product. Inspection quantity: full inspection. Inspection methods: observation and inspection, meter measurement.

  4.17.5 Make the connection between the emergency power supply charging circuit and the battery and between the battery and the battery disconnected. The emergency power supply shall send out sound and light failure signals within 100s. The acoustic failure signal should be manually eliminated. Inspection quantity: full inspection. Inspection method: observation and inspection.

  The above content is based on the problems encountered by the students in the actual work, for reference, if you have any questions, please communicate and correct.

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