Why should medical equipment be equipped with a special voltage regulator?
release time:2018-03-15Information Sources:精源科技Browse click:

  As DR and CT increasingly become the standard configuration of small and medium-sized hospitals in China, and many hospitals have special power environment, many modern hospitals have adopted medical special regulators. But why do hospitals alone spend some cost to purchase this special regulator?

  In fact, the hospital must use special medical regulator, the main reason is that in the modern medical system in a variety of CT, DR, X machine, nuclear magnetic resonance. The condition of these equipment can not be questioned, judgment plays a key role, but if due to improper allocation of power, it is easy to make the resolution of CT machine, X machine is not up to good effect, so to the doctor's diagnosis of trouble, it may also mislead or delay the illness. In addition to these characteristics of medical equipment itself using power, one is to focus upon exposure to the required output power supply current, voltage drop is small, this moment is not regulation; two is itself a rectification circuit of electrical machine, so it is easy to produce harmonic, and the harmonic of the existence, nature will affect the power supply control action right, so in the hospital, essential medical special power supply.

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